If there are 2 things we can all agree on, it is that normal, as we knew it, does not exist anymore. And, no one knows how long the pandemic will last in our country.
It has been said that change is the only constant in life. In light of this, it behooves us to become more comfortable with it. Change has become the theme and byproduct of the pandemic.
How do we cope with so much change in a sea of unknown? Will we ever be able to attend large gatherings again? Will people feel safe doing the things they used to do for fun? How are we supposed to function in these unprecedented and unpredictable times?
There are several things that help me deal with so much unknown. First, I monitor the amount of news I listen to. Second, I know what drains me and how to fill myself with positive energies. For example, reading biographies of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Gandhi lift me and my spirits.
Other things that fill me are: silence, meditation, breathing exercises and being in nature. I have noticed that the more I sit still in silence and breathe, the calmer I am and the more able I am to handle what comes. And, the more I meditate, the easier it is for me to trust. Dealing with change and the unknown requires a great deal of trust, in oneself and in something that cannot be seen.
Many years ago, I had a dream that my 6 year old self told me she knew she was never alone and that there was no need to worry about anything because she knew she could either handle the situation or she would receive help with it.
How did I know all this at 6? How and why did I forget these important things? How do we get back to that place of deep inner knowing? One way is to reconnect with the soul by asking yourself some questions: What are my core truths? What brings me joy? What lights me up from the inside? What do I need to do before I die? What essences in life are non-negotiable? What brings me deep peace? Open to hear what your soul wants to tell you.
Another way is to recognize when something comes along and questions what we already know to be true, deep in our heart or our bones. If we dwell in enough silence on a regular basis, we will get to know ourselves on a deeper level, again. And that self will recognize when we are being lied to.
I have a theory about why we forget what we knew as a child. Part of it has to do with all the lies we are fed from many different sources. Another part has to do with what the outer world does to destroy our confidence in ourselves. Have you ever noticed how often on-line news media tries to convince us that we don’t know how to do many things we’ve done all our lives? This creates unnecessary self-doubt in people who have not fortified themselves with their own truths. When we are able to do this, we become our own authority.
The unknown is part of change. If we see it as an open sun-filled sky, full of possibilities, we will create our lives in a much different way than if we come from fear. How do you perceive change, as a battle or as an opportunity? Do you have a pattern of reacting or responding to circumstances?
I have a very strong belief about the unknown. I see it as the place where all things are created. Some people call this place the void, others call it Divinity. If you look at the unknown as an opportunity to co-create with Divine forces, you will move forward from a place of empowerment, not fear. Fear blocks our power. Grab hold of your reins and get creative!
All of us are held by something much larger, which cannot be seen. Most likely this is on purpose, so that we deepen our faith and trust in small and large things. If you need help with any of this, I am available.