The next Peace Circle will be held on Thurs., Sept. 5 from 2:30-4:30 at First Congregational Church,* 3624 Main St. Offered on a sliding scale of $15-$25/person. Please bring a journal, pen, your open heart and a willingness to do inner work. Registration is required. Please contact me to register.
In this third Peace Circle, we will learn how to shift out of the negative and elevate our hearts, minds and souls.
Peace Circles are being offered in the Spirit of Gandhi; in order to have more peace in the world, we need to become Peace. We will sit in silence, reflect upon what brings us peace and how we create peace in our lives. We will share various tools we have acquired to detach, listen deeply, respond instead of react, become more mindful and see in new ways.
We will also examine what blocks us from having inner peace, how to shift out of negativity and elevate our hearts, minds and souls. The last circle will focus on how we can bring these tools and new patterns to our families, communities and to the larger world. We will talk about the power of kindness, look for ways to love more deeply and we will practice taking peaceful steps upon the earth. Peace Circles will be about what it takes to embody Peace.
*Peace Circles are not affiliated with any specific religion. People of all faiths are welcome. Feel free to attend when you are able. Please note there will be no discussion of politics in Peace Circles.