It all began on Wed., September 18, right after a lunar eclipse. I was able to watch it from my bedroom, which made me very happy. The next morning, I was brought back to a memory of a walk I took, alone on a dirt road in Maine while on vacation. I had been deep in thought and almost stepped on something. When I looked down, I saw a forked branch in front of me. I picked it up and looked at it for a long time. A deeper part of me realized that I was being invited to make a decision. I knew it was connected with the issue I had been wrestling with, which was the vast difference between the messages from the Spiritual world and the messages from the physical world.
The choice I made on a dirt road in the middle of Maine on August 10, 1996 was to honor the messages from Spirit MORE than the messages from the material world. It wound up being a turning point in my life.
On September 18, I noticed a great deal of nervous energy in my body and mind. I felt restless and could not focus or sit still, which was very unusual for me. In that moment, I realized that when this sort of thing happens, it must be paid attention to, because it is the soul speaking loudly.
When your inner life feels like it is in turmoil, for whatever reason, it is imperative to pay attention to it. Then I heard this question:
What weighs you down?
It was a powerful question to be asked. I identified all the things that weighed me down and was told that I was at another turning point.
Later, when I got to work, my boss looked at me and asked if I was ok. I shook my head and said, “No, I’m at a turning point and need to make changes.” I explained that I was exhausted and overwhelmed and could not sustain the pace I’ve had for the past 14 months. She was most gracious and asked me what I needed. I explained that I needed to go back to my old hours of working 4 days a week. Fortunately, she was ok with it.
Later, when I was finishing errands, these thoughts came to me:
I have a large soul
and a strong voice and
I’m taking them on the road.
Then I had a spontaneous vision of seeing myself in my car, joyously having an adventure, feeling the magnitude of my Freedom. That vision became reality on Monday, Sept. 23rd when I drove to Saratoga Springs, New York to facilitate a Peace Circle as part of their International Peace Week events!!
From that day on, I have continued to set boundaries, wherever they were needed. I have set a total of five new boundaries and as a result, now have more sanity, more energy and an extra 50 hours/month to do whatever needs to be done.
I feel a new strength, walk in entirely different energies and even feel like a new person.