With age comes freedom - to be who we are, without reservation, explanation or apology. With age comes more courage - to speak what needs to be said. And when Freedom combines with Courage, it gives us the will to do what we have always wanted to do. …
Turning to Yourself for Answers
We have many choices. We do not have to live the way others live or have lived; we do not have to swallow things whole. It is to our benefit to assess what works for us, personally. Give yourself permission to chose what is right for you. If you’ve been paying …
Change, Fear and the Unknown
If there are 2 things we can all agree on, it is that normal, as we knew it, does not exist anymore. And, no one knows how long the pandemic will last in our country. It has been said that change is the only constant in life. In light of this, it behooves us to become more comfortable …