I am the wisdom of the mountains the peace of a stream I am as free as the wildflowers and stand as an ancient tree. I sparkle like a blanket of snow and am carried on the wind. But mostly, I am a Grandmother Spider, weaving my life's web. …
A Turning Point in History
These are challenging times. No one would argue this point. We could focus on the insanity, violence, destruction and cruelty and drain ourselves completely or we can take a higher road and see this moment in time as a turning point, as a large opportunity to take the reins and change things on …
Reclaiming Peace
There is entirely too much violence, chaos and hatred in the world. Watching, reading or listening to world news can be an overwhelming and depressing experience. But we are not helpless. One person can make a difference. I know you've heard this before but there are some things that are worth …