I grew up next door to my paternal Grandmother. Nana had very wrinkled skin, always wore a print apron and seemed to live in the kitchen. Her life revolved around feeding her family. Whenever I arrived at her house, the smell of the last meal greeted me in the hall. Each Saturday, she made …
25 Ways to Nurture Yourself
Here are some things you can do to fill yourself, when you are feeling stressed, exhausted, in a negative state of mind or if you feel like you've lost yourself in the mix of your life. 1. Make tea, drink it slowly. 2. Read a book that fills you. 3. Put a neck warmer on. (the kind …
Feeding My Soul
Swiftly flowing water makes gentle rippling sounds that calm me to my core. It is February 21st and 74 degrees in Vermont. Pachacuti comes to mind. It is a Quechuan word that means "the world turned upside down." This feels true on a number of levels. Granted, change is the only constant in …