I have a dream of living in a world filled with strong women. I see women who know who they are and are not afraid to live it. I see women who know what they want and use their voice to claim it and attain it. I see a world where women take a much larger role in the continuing evolution of this …
About three weeks ago, I had a problem getting Netflix on my laptop. I’ve been a Netflix customer for a very long time. An interesting thing happened as a result of not being able to watch movies. To my great joy, I rediscovered the world of TED Talks and the enormous amount of …
Seize the Day
Many years ago I had a license plate that said Carpe Diem. Frequently, when I took a road trip, I would get a thumbs up from people driving by. I enjoyed having that plate for many years. When I decided it was time for a different one, I was surprised to learn how many people were upset that I got …